Refund / Return Policy

Our Commitment to Your Satisfaction

At Bloodwork.US, we prioritize your health and satisfaction. We partner only with CLIA-certified labs to ensure the highest quality of our tests. Please read our straightforward and customer-friendly return and refund policy:

  1. 60-Day Refund Policy: If you need to cancel a test or made a purchase by mistake, simply email us at help@Bloodwork.US within 60 days of your purchase to request a no-questions-asked refund.

  2. Order Expiration and Reactivation:

    • Your order will expire 90 days after purchase.
    • If not used within 60 days, contact us to reactivate your order for a nominal $10 service fee.
  3. Final Sale After Test Submission/Expiration: Once a test is drawn and submitted to the lab or after expiration, the sale is final and cannot be refunded.

  4. Handling Errors: In case of any discrepancies (like a mismatch between your test and invoice), we offer a choice of a full refund or a complimentary re-draw.

  5. Fair Use Policy: To maintain fairness and quality service, we may charge a 10% return fee in cases of recurring returns or suspected return-policy abuse.

Understanding the Nature of Medical Tests

  • Accuracy and Reliability: We collaborate only with CLIA-certified labs to ensure the highest accuracy in our tests. However, like all medical tests, there's a small possibility of an error or the need for a retest. This is a standard aspect of medical testing and not unique to our service.

  • Consulting Your Healthcare Provider: Your health is important, and understanding your test results is crucial. We strongly recommend consulting with your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about your results, or if there is a need to repeat a test. They are best equipped to interpret the results in the context of your overall health.

Need Assistance? For any questions or special requests, please contact our customer support team. We are here to help!